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It's been sometime
(originally posted on on June 12th 2006)
It has been 4 weeks since my last entree...hehehe coz i'm already in university for the fourth week already....
well loads of stuffz happened in 4 weeks.....
ok of course 1st up...UNIVERSITY....
not much different though compared to the foundation year at KTAR, just that now, there's no more auditorium for lectures just big classes and studying with different people now. Everyone's being designated to different class. To me it's not something bad. At least then you'll have more chance to linger with different people rather than just sticking to your own friend from the previous. I'm just glad all my friends are not as clingy as one. Just because i'm not in the same assignment group as her i'm suddenly labelled as one of them that's kind of going against her. I don't get it, she can do stuffs to people but when people kind of ignore her sometimes, we kind of get the title of a bully... i guess after what's been happening, she still thinks that she's right and she's not going to change for the better. Well anyways...i'll stop bitchin' about others and focus more to my uni life...hahaha
assignments are being threw at us non-stop.One after another and trust me the pile is getting higher and higher. Other than that i cannot help but notice majority of my lecturer's are real...DULL...well they are not bad i mean it's just they don't know how to make learning funner. I know Uni is all about serious-ness and no more honeymoon should where i'm goin next..don't need to explain to much
A week ago was the Mind Your Langu
age Camp. Jointly organised by my LEO club and the Chung Ching Leos...and OMG it was my best camp ever! the kids there are superb. Though some insist that i'm having more fun than them and some keep asking me...."Phui Yhin, are you drunk?" hahaha..well peepz i'm not drunk...too much sugar intake....that's why i super-dee-dooper-hyper and of course i'm like that coz i wanna hypen u young hearts up! I'm already 19 and yet i seem to have more energy than them...excluding symone, yi wen, siat yee, patrick and his guys who actually sometimes kind of follow i giler....hahaha...and yes like what ken said...i have a hot wire up my ass...jumping around like a crazee chimpanzee!!! hehehe and vanessa have shots of me walking like a penguin too...kekekeke...if i only had a cameraman to follow me around throughout that whole 3dayz 2 nitez stay, i can say that those shots can make a good video that was the syiok-kess moments in my whole life...get to work and play with the best people i've known...Willz and Kenn (whoze alwiz there to
guide me and Weng Keong), Ali G, Vann, Jessica N Rebecca, Mint, Kel Veen, Esther, Jess, Weng Hong, Sze Ni, Alex "O",MIchelle, and of coz Patrick, Siat Yee and Yi Wen who was our main coordinators from the Raub side....hehehe love u all dam mucho man....hahaha....ohh talking about patrick and yi wen...hahah so funny coz they acted out their mtv and there was this part that they were suppose to "tipu-tipu" kiss but coz yi wen wuz like to faz i guess she actually touched the tip of patrick's nose..or lips...hrmmmm(one eye brow up) hahaha...eitherways it was loads of fun and trust me...2 weeks has gone but i'm still pretty much in the MYLC mood still hahahahaha.....
3rd....World is funny right hearing me commenting on world cup knowing that i'm not that of a football fan but hahaha guess what? the bug kind of got me...hehehe actually by going to mamak and watch...let me tell you...the one thing that unites all men around the world and not bothering about any racial or religious is can see how united and synchronized they are because everytime a team almost shoots and miss a goal DANG! they can actually blurt the same thing at the same time...hahaha...talking about is such a bummer yesterday night because trinidad and tobago lost to england (0-2) *gosh* heartbroken...was so goin for trinidad....their defence is good i dare tell you...hehehe
ugh anyways i think i'm taking too much of a time to even put this whole entry together...i think i shudent like cramp all things in one long i guess i gonna put a stop here and post another rite after this one..teeheehee
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