~Ahhhhh~ Finally, i've ended my 1st semester of my 1st year of my bachelor's degree, a sigh of relief finally, but what will be the end result i will not know till later. but what i can say that i am very impressed with my capability to absorb the chinese language so fast. being a total banana at first i now know plenty of chinese characters and i dare say that today's paper (which was my last) is the best one i've ever sat for. i answered everything with so much confidence. if only the same thing can happen to me in all the other paper's as well. looking at the condition i guess i would have to work really really hard to catch back up next semester. if only there is something or someone to really encourage me from some point. i've always told myself, u can do it on your own, but somehow, things didn't really go as planned. hopefully this semester will not repeat again next. someone please save me from this procrastination bug.
now, schools out and the holidays are in. i'm up for a three months break and plans of working and gaining some working experience are all laid out already. and with text books out of mind for the next three it's time for me to submerge myself in piles of exciting and meaningful books. not only that, i will need to hit the theatres soon too! it's been months since i last watched a movie in a cinema. my last movie session was like, i guess "Pirates of The Carribeans" together with Weng Keong and Michelle.
since yesterday night, my eyes were glued on the computer screen. no i was not typing anything or what but enjoying my favorite young adult flick of all time, ONE TREE HILL, i would say this is like Beveryly Hills 90210 of my time. It was the last 6 episodes to the latest season. and oh my god! one word, AWESOME. why? coz they featured THE most cutest guy on all land, well other than the ever flaming hot Chad Michael Murray, PETE WENTZ, jeesh he's so sweet and has that shy-guy thing on. god, makes a girl like me melt right straight to her knees.
hahaha, u guys must be wundering who this PETE WENTZ is right? well to u fans of pop-punk out there,Pete is from FALL OUT BOY, they are like one of the hottest acts around. They sound good look good. hahaha i thin my friends are starting to doubt my taste in guys already thinking "geesh, phui yhin has weird taste when it comes to guys". well yes i am different from many. many think that the guys that i find attarctive are NOT but to me im looking for something out of the ordinary. hehehe like pete here...he may seem like a freakishly heavily tattooed gothic guy, but there's something really interes
ting and attractive about him.
hahaha...its already 2.37am. waiting for a friend actually but it's been half an hour and yet he's not here yet. my eyes are getting tired. well but he's worth a wait at times. he really can makes my day shine brighter and can really lend an ear and a cheeky personality when u need one. anyways. i guess i'm going to stop here. tell u guys more about fall our boy later.
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