Wednesday, October 10, 2007

One way ticket to humiliation-nation

(originally posted on on June 21st 2006)

It's 1.25 in the afternoon and i'm all alone here in the library...blogging away....

currently my heart is beating at a super fast pace and i think it's all ready to jump outta my ribcage and into the nearest toilet bowl it finds...hahaha..well let me explain this [particularly] bizarro happening. Well in like an hour also i will face a bunch of unknown people that will judge me for how i look and how i sound...yesh...i'm attending an audition...but it's not what great audition la...just the utar idol....but that just simply mean that i bought a one way to ticket to total embarassment later....ugh..thinking about it more makes me wanna puke...*blurf*

i don't even know what song i'm going to perform...More Than Words most probably...from Westlife....not the original singer but...hey its a great acapella performance....

there's really a lot of seems that many joining are already great at singing...

i seriously don't know what i got myself into man!

i freaking shaking here...can't even type the correct words...ugh keep on deleting and retyping and deleting...

what happen if i go in there and go totally blank and yup ended up like Mr.Anderson singing the national anthem...that's freaking downright embarassing!!!!!!

my social status will definitely drop down by 300%...or basically after that i mayb not have a social status at all...

and then i might be voted for clown of the year!!!!! ohhhh....i can't take this anymore....

though i'm writing all these now, at the same time my alter ego is asking me..."why are you so afraid? Everyone is special in their own ways"....that confident side of me....ugh maybe i should switch to that mode....


feel loads better thinking this way...really sometimes i feel people who act all nervous and like totally shouting even before the audition i think they are really insecure people...huhuhu...kwok phui yhin you are definitely talking too mucho! SHUT UP....hahaha

eitherways it's not like i'm expecting to strike stardom or anything...just wanna see maybe do i really have the talent to be a performer?...hahahaha

alritey i think i should stop babling already and go take a look back at the lyrics though it's a song that i've been liking since i'm 13 years old.

hahahaha alritey...till my next entree....CHACHIOW!!!!*Bling-bling*

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